I listen to the rain coming down and recall how I was awe-struck at the colors and formations of the clouds as they prepared to release the rain upon the earth. There was a tint to each yellow, white, gray, and blue that made for it to look like a sky that I had never seen before. In my heart, I could hear the psalmist reciting, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day and night they poor forth speak" (Psalm 19).
Only moments before gazing at the sky, I was gazing at the boys. Isaiah was discovering the grooves he could make in the sand, volleyball court with his lawn mower. Jeremiah was looking around as he enjoyed every drop of his delicious milk. Earlier in the day, Isaiah was laying next to Jeremiah, as they played with some cars and trains on the living room floor. They would lovingly look at one another and then continue on with their creative explorations.
Thinking about each declaration, I boldly and gladly surrender to the multiple ways in which God displays His glory...we simply need to be willing to see through the eyes of our souls and in turn unlock each miracle that God puts on display, every moment we take in a new breath.
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