Readied with feet fitted with the gospel of peace...
Steadied with the gospel...
Prepared for the days ahead, to be rooted and grounded in love,
allowing the joy of the LORD to be their strength.
As we, as a family, are faced with days of grief and mourning, I am thinking upon the boys... How are they going to learn the ways of grief, except to walk through them. How are they going to understand the ways of mourning, except to feel the raw reality of the human heart. Part of me wants to protect them from feeling it all, yet I know they need to feel it in order to follow Jesus in the days to come.
Training and raising up the boys to become the men of God that they are ordained to be, requires me to welcome the painful things that are a part of life. I cannot keep them sheltered from the very things that they will face, if I want them to overcome. I must guide them in right responses. I must guide them in working through their emotions. Part of that is helping them recognize what they do not even see themselves.
I can see them reacting to what is happening around them, however, they do not see it. They cannot see themselves grieving because they never have grieved. If they cannot see it, then they do not know how to rightly respond. There-in-lies one of the many responsibilities God has entrusted to me - help them understand, help them see, and help them hear the whispers of God to their in-most being.
So, with that sobering truth, as a parent, I humbly bring them to the throne of my Heavenly Father...
"Abba, Father, help Isaiah and Jeremiah understand what it is to grieve and mourn. Give them wisdom. Guide them, Holy Spirit, in this hour, in this day. Show them what I cannot. Help them through this. Lead them in the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. Open their eyes and open their ears. Help them see you and hear you. Jesus, in your name. Holy Spirit, come and flood over them. Amen"